Here comes the BARD - v0.3.0 update now live!

Dirks out! It's time for the Bard route of HEROES OF CELTICA to begin! Thank you for your patience!

It's not just the Bard route starting that you get, but the darkening Druid route also continues. Join me as we delve deeper into the myths and characters of Celtic Ireland, and the return of a familiar face from the prologue!

Minor hiccup this month, but it's all good:

It started with one unreadable file here, then one failed file compression there. A few days later, I booted up my computer and went to the hard drive where all my game data and assets were and the drive was unreadable! That's everything - all of my work on HEROES OF CELTICA (besides what is online) and all the past work on STELLAR INCOGNITA.

Two CHKDSKs later, I get into the hard drive and begin a mass exodus of data to alternative storage. Hundreds and hundreds of gigabytes of data from a really old and slow SATA hard drive onto an SSD took a few days. You always hear the advice to back up your work, but it's troublesome and time-consuming, so you don't. I think I got off lucky, with only about a dozen small files lost that can be replaced or substituted with something else.


Files 605 MB
15 days ago
heroesceltica.v030-release.apk 614 MB
15 days ago 600 MB
15 days ago

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This update seems a little short- will later updates be around the same size? I’m just curious since we’re already at 0.3.